Friday, June 27, 2008

Nature Kids

My friend Korie and I decided that we had heard enough about Nature Deficiency Disorder in kids. We are outside putzing in the yard, parks and nature almost daily, so we didn't worry about our kids, but decided to be purposefull in planning our summer activities. We like the neighborhood parks and spend a great deal of time there, but decided that we wanted to add to our repetoire of fun, kid-friendly nature sites. Thus began our blog to document the outings and provide calendar information for future nature dates . We meet every Thursday morning for a kid-centered outing and picnic lunch, somewhere in the Twin Cities area, surrounded by green stuff. So far we've had three adventures and have many more in store for the summer. Check it out. Join us, if you'd like!

These photos were from Afton State Park. We started with a kid-bike ride and then found the river. We couldn't tear the kids away from the water for the rest of the morning. Lunch on the beach was mostly sand-coated. Good for the digestive system, right?

1 comment:

noradawn said...

Every time I read one of your nature kids blogs I wish we could come! We do a good job playing outside and at the parks, but we just don't have much water or green places around here.