Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to Ronny, who is the best Dad I could imagine for our three small ones.
Letting them ride on your shoulders, sitting on the front stoop together, cooking a turkey, swinging at the park, watching parades, wearing the Bjorn, riding Thomas the train, teaching how to ride bikes without training wheels, holding, cuddling, rocking, being silly, wrestling,
and rapping... thanks for everything you do to make us who we are as a Welbaum family.
We love you.
Jenny, Carl, Gus, Louise and Molly

1 comment:

Jen Dockerty said...

Jenn -

It was so nice to meet you last night and chat with you. I only had about 5 minutes here as I'm actually busy at work today but I wanted to check out your blog and what I've seen so far I LOVE! I have added you to my google home page feed so that I will get your updates as you post them. I love the Father's day collage you put together. Is there an application to do that? Can you tell me how you put that together? I'm really thinking of starting my own blog I'm pondering a cleaver title and then I'll get started! Hope to see you Friday. I also hope to learn something about cooking from your blog as I'm not much of a cook myself but I think it would be fun.