Monday, July 12, 2010

A bit of calm

We have had a wonderfully jam-packed summer so far. Camping, cabin, friends, hikes, swimming, reading, Chicago, house guests, cooking, playing in the garden... and so much more. As I sit down here at the computer (which is a million times faster than it has ever been, thanks to Rolf!) I realize now that I need to sit still for a few days.
This afternoon after our lovely guests left, the kids and I went over to Lake Nokomis and I let them lead. We just walked and discovered and named trees and looked at rocks and talked to dogs and swung from willow branches and learned how to use a pump on a water well and rolled in the grass and laughed and laughed. And that was that. No hurries or let's go or c'mon. I just followed their lead, carried their water bottles and snow peas and just let them be kids.
I think I shall be back here more often now. I have a back log of photos I'd like to share. Hope you didn't give up on me.
Go, run, take off your shoes and feel the grass and sand. We did. I shall sleep well.


Sarah Jane said...

Those are the best days. Glad you did it.

Kerry said...

I missed you in this space! We've been wanting to get over to Lake Nokomis to adventure and play ourselves. Your day sounds just about perfect.