I needed a thank you gift for Carl's amazing teacher Toni, the bilingual wonder who has finally shown Carl the light in terms of Spanish. Coming from someone other than his mother, Spanish is finally his thing. I wanted to thank her with something cool, handmade if possible. I had already bestowed upon her several loaves of my bread this year, so that was out. The ideas I've seen on other blogs looked fun, but replicated a few things I've already done or were a bit too cheesy for my taste. Anyway, the gratitude wrap came to mind and I hit the fabric bins. Here's what I came up with:
-a vintage table cloth with a few bad spots looks beautiful when trimmed into a rectangle
-tan linen from the Textile Center's annual fabric garage sale
-white bias tape from my late grandmother's stash
-the $1 bin at Michael's for note cards and a funky orange notebook with a T for Toni
Voila... I love it!

And you? Are there any tasks on your mind that block you from doing the things you love? Does your mind work that way or am I crazy? Also, any good tips for other teacher gifts? Stop lurking and share your thoughts... we'd love to hear from you!
You are so not crazy! I am exactly the same way - we have a huge to-do list at home which is preventing me from starting a quilt (mostly Amy Butler & Joel Dewberry fabrics) that I've been wanting to make for our bedroom. Alas, I think I'll just need to abandon my to-do list and quilt away. You've inspired me! :) Kerri
Love the wrap! - Kristine
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