Gus is into making little piles. He likes to leave them all over the house. He doesn't do it to be a pest or to drive me crazy, he just does it because he loves little things. This is the guy who at the age of two started a collection. We'd be out walking or at a park and he'd run up to us to tell us to put his _______ (fill in the blank with screw, nail, stick, rock, hair band, bead, eraser or anything small) in our pockets. Soon Ron began to store all these little things in a jar on our dresser. The jar became known as "the finding jar." Now these things are called his "findings."
"Hey Mom, can I sort out my findings?" is a common request when he has free time. Gus likes to climb up on a stool, grab the box of his stuff on our dresser, and lay it out on a tray. He manipulates, builds, plays, makes up stories, sorts, makes patterns and more. He can stay busy with his findings for hours. Hours.
I love this about him. I love when he plays with them. I love when he finds things that no one else in the world would notice on the ground. I love how it makes him smile.
What's a mom to do when he leaves them all over the house?
So good to see you.
Kip is into strings of all sort. Love their imaginations.
That is so cool. I guess his leaving them all over the house would be annoying, though.
This is seriously cool. (Well maybe not the leaving part.) Gus is a neat little guy!
I can so relate to this. Jubilee is crazy about "things" and "stuff!" I just wish all of her treasures would fit in a glass jar. Hers are constantly all over the house. It is cute, and I certainly appreciate the time she spends organizing and arranging her items. Jubi likes to put several things in boxes, bags and purses. I never know if I can safely dismantle these collections without sending her into a fury!
Reminds me of me when I was little.
I heard a story today about a mouse in a house who was evicted in a box and abandoned far away on the other side of the world and left to fend for himself...
Sounds like quite an adventure.
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