Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A little trip

This little family of ours is about to embark upon a big journey.  The journey began this weekend as we made the cross country trek from Minneapolis to Chicago to take care of a few details before we depart. 

Within the coming weeks and months you'll begin to learn more as the details unfold of our adventure on the horizon.  Will you follow along with us?

In the meantime, I'm reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin for my book club.  The theme is so timely, given the place we are in our lives here.  The book brings up a lot of interesting points about living a purposefully happy lives, not taking happiness for granted, and ensuring that we are doing the most we can to make every day a happy, adventure and song filled day for ourselves, our families and the world around us.  Have you read it?


Kerry said...

It's on my bedside stack. Maybe I should move it to the top?
Glad it was a good weekend. Looking forward to reconnecting with you soon!

Sarah said...

Hola!!! Lady, I think of you often and wonder how it's all going! I have read that book and loved it and her new one is on the nightstand. I'm home Monday and Fridays if you ever want to coffee!:)