Gus and Louise will always almost share a birthday. Gus' birthday is May 12... the big 4. I remember being in the delivery room with Louise and asking the nurse if this baby was going to have its own birthday. She dared me to make it happen. A few pushes later, Louise was born on May 11th. Now she's 2. How did that happen?
We celebrated their birthdays together with our families on Saturday. More than anything in the world, Louise wanted a Dora cake. A Dora cake? Well, I am a Spanish teacher. She's wholesome and speaks Spanish, so I couldn't really complain. Gus wanted a robot cake, a natural extension of his
robot building with Uncle Erik recently.

Instead of trying to integrate the two in one, I made two. I think it was 1:45 a.m. when I finally went to bed on Friday night. Oh well, these are the things that get my blood flowing. I can't stay up that late for some reason or another doing laundry. Wonder why?

Here's the robot cake. I attached the leftover parts from his robot part shopping trip at Axe-Man and stuck his robot in at the last minute. The grey frosting was a hit.

Here's the Dora cake, though it is a little tough to see the shape of it due to the angle of the photo. It is shaped like a hill or a mountain. I took an angelfood cake loaf pan and baked the cake in it, slicing it in half horizontally before I froze it for optimum decorating texture. The frosting is brown with chopped peanuts for the winding road, colored coconut for grass, and various chocolates and malted milk balls for rocks. She loved it. The hardest part was taking away the recently acquired Dora doll and Boots, hand-me-downs from a 6-year-old friend who is moving out of the Dora stage.
When we ask them how old they are, Louise promptly starts counting, usually finishing around seven. So she's seven but really two. Gus, however, claims that he is already four. We'll let him believe that... his birthday is coming soon.
Let's face it: tu eres SUPER-mamita, mi amiga! (did that come out right? I'm a little rusty)
Great cakes...love the decorations! My son's birthday is also this week. It's a great time of year to be celebrating birthdays. We've planted a tree 3 times on or close to my son's birthday. It's so fun to watch him grow along with the trees.
Super cute cakes! Jenn, I need your email address. We're headed to Chutes and Ladders on Wed, if you want to join us. Also, my mom found an old mini notebook of mine. I had listed phone numbers of friends and Jenny J. was in there!! :)
Me again. I think there is a Spanish opening, if you are at all interested in online teaching. My email: sonjakrasean@yahoo.com
Just discovered your blog. Thank you for sharing all these treasures with us!
I don't know about these May 12 birthdays. I was born on May 12, on my brother's 8th birthday. Maybe I should have hurried and choose May 11 or wait another day not to spoil my big brother's birthday. He does not seem to resent it.Sigh...
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