We bought a huge bag of oranges recently at the local grocery store... maybe it was even 18 pounds. We all love oranges and have been eating them at every meal. After a while, however, we decided that no matter how good the orange might taste, 18 pounds of anything is too much!
I enlisted a little help from the kids and got down to business.

The cool old-school juicers are from Mexico City, purchased outside "La Merced," the largest market in the country.
Great juicers!
I bet your kitchen smelled amazing.
Um. We eat breakfast each day at about 6:30am. Do you make deliveries?
YUM! Henry just asked if we could make orange juice the other day. Where did you find your oranges?
Yeay, your back!!! I know the feeling of too much oranges, looks like you had happy helpers though : )
I have one of those juicers...they are fantastic. A little hint: flip the oranges around. You want the flat/cut part of the orange facing the juice holes and the rounded part of the juicer to push on the rounded part of the orange. I know it seems counterintuitive, but think of it like the juicer is turning the orange inside out. You won't need strainers, will get significantly more juice out of each orange, and almost no splatter.
your little staff are even prettier as they grow up ! good job mamma (but then it is in the genes !) xo
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